Connecting with spirits can get pretty overwhelming. I am going to let you in on a little something. As much as you want to hear from your loved ones on The Other Side. They want to hear from you. In this guided section it will help to calm your nerves and prepare you for the reading, so that you can get the best experience.
I recommend having conversations with your loved ones before getting a reading. Picture them sitting next to you at the coffee table having a conversation. It could be about anything. Another way to, is to pray at night. "Pray to them", you can ask your loved ones about anything, it can even be a wish that you want from them to show a sign. Praying at night to your loved one is such a great way to release all type of unwanted energy that lingered throughout the day.
Another great way to release unwanted energy is to follow a guided meditation on your apps or do breathwork at home before the reading. Have an open mind and an open heart in receiving messages from spirits. The day of the reading will be such an amazing moment for you.
If you booked a virtual reading please seek out into a quiet space away from all type of noises. Please be mindful and respectful when showing up into the virtual reading. Be present and sit up tall as this is not a time to lounge. Make sure receptions and Wi-Fi are well connected. Most importantly is to "be still". I know that some of our sacred space is in our car. Do not expect a reading while you are driving. Your reading will be immediately canceled and a non-refundable at 100%.
You can practice this prior before the reading it'll help you set up your intentions and energy. I hope this helps and I look forward to your reading.